Posts tagged loss

TMI: Bleeding after a miscarriage

Ok This post is TMI. But I feel compelled to write it because I couldn’t find any answers when nervous/ searching etc.

After my loss a second trimester miscarriage I had been bleeding a lot. Like the heavy day of a period every day for 2 weeks. every couple of days it would taper off for 12 hours or so. Only to start up like a period yet again. With dark burgundy almost black blood. But no odor. It just smelled like blood…. All I could guess was that it was normal as my body healed itself and my hormones ran rampant in my body. Then yesterday morning after cramping all night I passed a clot. Not small either, about the sized of my fist. I felt scared, weak, and sick to my stomach for the better part of the morning. Wondering what my body was doing.. I believe there was a piece of placenta left inside that wouldn’t let go.And that clot was the end of my miscarriage. The bleeding I had been having was minimal and bright red like the normal end of a period. As of today after 2 solid weeks of bleeding, hormones and feeling like crap I am not bleeding anymore.

I feel like a human again. I no longer feel the need to ask my doctor about antidepressants (which one week ago I was going to because I felt out of control).

My heart is still and will always be broken. But I feel so much more in control of my feelings. I have smiled without feeling guilty.  I played an April fools day prank on my kids this morning. (A drop of food coloring in their cereal bowl, pour the  cereal over it, and when they pour in the milk it, the milk changes colors!). I laughed with them. As of today things are a million times better. Today I have been able to clean with out cramping and feeling sick. I am finally beginning to really heal.

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2 weeks ago

We got the horrible news.

Our baby was gone.

Two weeks ago we went from happy to sad…

But here is something I haven’t told many people. A month ago I had started spotting , just a little here and there always brown blood, never anything much. Google said it was ok.  A month ago I didn’t feel my baby move all the time like I should have, just a small kick here and there, not much but there was something. Google said it was ok. 3 weeks ago I stopped puking my  guts out every day. Google said it was ok.  2.5 weeks ago I spotted more, had a backache, cramps in my legs. Google said it was ok. I knew in my heart then that it was not ok. I knew our baby was gone. I denied knowing that there was a problem because Google said it was ok. Sometimes Google is just plain wrong.

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