Posts tagged husband

maybe not so dead

Maybe I won’t give this blog up for dead yet… I seriously need a fucking place to vent… Ok I have 4 children ages 1o to 3 I am a stay at home mom. But I am not a fucking maid. Nor do I sit on my ass all day with nothing to do but the laundry dishes and cooking. Taking care of our kids takes some actual work. Dear husband… I am behind on the fucking laundry… I am always behind on the goddamn fucking laundry.. If you tell me you are running low on any item of clothing I will make it a priority to get it washed… If you tell me WHILE you are getting dressed though you are SHIT OUTTA LUCK. And by the way I don’t need the passive aggressive  “well I thought you did laundry this week” shit. Yes I did some laundry but we spent most of our WEEKEND (because he was off thursday and it is monday so not a fucking week yet) outside… And guess what … I can’t do the laundry when we are outside.. The 3 year old doesn’t want to come inside so mommy can switch the fucking laundry. Oh and guess what I actually run around and do things with our kids so when we get inside I am tired! then even when you are home and I ask your lazy ass sitting on the computer to help you give me shit about “they don’t go to bed for me” so if you can’t do that at least carry a mother fucking laundry basket down the stairs for me every once in a while… I’m fucking tired.

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